- Pinball List -
Addams Family (Williams 1992)
Attack From Mars (CGC 2017)
Blackout (Williams 1980)
Champion Pub (Williams 1998)
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Bally 1992)
Cyclone (Williams 1988)
Deadpool - Premium (Stern, 2018)
Demolition Man (Williams 1994)
Eldorado - City of Gold (Gottlieb 1984)
Elektra (Bally 1981)
Fish Tales (Williams 1992)
Flintstones (Williams 1994)
Freedom (Bally 1976)
Game Show (Bally 1990)
Godzilla - Premium (Stern 2021)
Harley Davidson (Bally 1991)
Hobbit - Black Arrow Edition (JJP 2016)
Indiana Jones (Williams 1993)
Judge Dredd (Bally 1993)
Jungle Lord (Williams 1981)
Jurrassic Park - Premium (Stern 2019)
Lord of the Rings (Stern 2003)
Lost World (Bally 1978)
Mandalorian - Pro (Stern 2021)
Medieval Madness - Royal Edition (CGC 2020)
Monopoly (Stern 2001)
Mr and Mrs Pacman (Bally 1982)
Munsters - Premium (Stern 2019)
Orbitor 1 (Stern 1982)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern 2006)
Rick and Morty (Spooky 2020)
Shadow (Bally 1994)
Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern 2003)
Space Station (Williams 1987)
SpiderMan (Gottlieb 1980)
Terminator 2 (Williams 1991)
Theater of Magic (Bally 1995)
Total Nuclear Annihilation (Spooky 2017)
Twilight Zone (Bally 1993)
Venom - Premium (Stern 2023)
Walking Dead - Pro (Stern 2014)
Willy Wonka - LE (JJP 2019)
Wizard of OZ (JJP 2013)
Xenon (Bally 1980)