Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
"Xenozoic Tales"
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, released in Japan as Cadillacs Kyouryuu Shinseiki , is a 1993 arcade game by Capcom. It is a side-scrolling beat 'em up based on the comic book series Xenozoic Tales. The game was produced as a tie-in to the short-lived Cadillacs and Dinosaurs animated series which was aired during the same year the game was released.
Game Credits
Planning: Da., Hattari, Jra
Object: Kurisan, Jun, Matano, SS, Shisui, Kinmon, The Who
Scroll: Nissui, Konomi, Ohnicchan, Bentobucho
Programming: Yuki Sɐiko, Cky Gi-U, T Uragoro, Some-P
Composers: Piro2 Oyaji, Syun, Kiyo
Sound Design: Toshi Bull, Nobu
Assist: Kitasan, Yokozo, Daniel, Inukichi, Ban, Jirou, Kurata-N, Hanisawa
Ad-Design: Sho, Tom, Sensei
USA Support: DJames
Many Thanks: Poo, Nin, Hore Hore, Alex, Super Joe, and Capcom All Staff